i was born on august 21, 2009 at 3:40pm. i weighed 9 pounds 4 ounces and measured 21 inches. my mama had a hunch i’d be big, but not that big! • i was named after the great men in my family: henry is the name of my great-great-grandfather, henry wexner sr., my grand-uncle, henry wexner jr., and my uncle henry. thomas is the name of my lolo, tomas castro, and my uncle tom-tom. • i live in a crooked old house in los angeles with my mama & papa, who love me like mad.
20 September 2009
and the family introductions keep on comin'. first, i met my uncle ricky, auntie brooke and cousin calder. they came to my house on thursday and kept me company all day long. calder ran circles around me. next year, dude, i'll be able to keep up with you. but for now, it was just nice to meet you!

on friday, my auntie lali and uncle erik stopped by for a visit. we didn't do much, but i loved hanging out with them and hearing them laugh with my mama and papa. they laugh a lot.

finally, on saturday, mama, papa and i took our first long drive to lolo and lola's house. they had a bbq, and i met more aunts, uncles and cousins from the castro side of the family. meeting all those people was a bit overwhelming, so i hid in the corner of the living room and upstairs in the spare room. next time, i'll be more sociable. i promise.
posted by henry at | 1 comments


i had so much fun with you, and i love you so very much!

By Anonymous auntie lali, at September 24, 2009 at 12:50 PM  

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mama's web site
papa's web site
mama's work
papa's work
the portrait party
uncle ricky's web site
uncle tom's web site
uncle henry's web site